All our work with clients is grounded in the principles of Asset Based Thinking™.



ABT is a mindset management approach designed by Kathryn Cramer, Ph.D., in collaboration with her associates at The Cramer Institute – John Davis, Judith Dubin and Peggy Guest.  Kathy spoke extensively about ABT and wrote three popular books on it –  Change the Way You See Everything, Change the Way You See Yourself, and Lead Positive.


In almost two decades of creating ABT applications for our coaching clients in both large and small businesses, educational institutions, and not for profits, our clients have demonstrated that shifting from deficit based thinking to Asset Based Thinking™ is transformational.  Many businesses have grown their use of ABT from a single workshop to use of ABT for annual reviews and other formal feedback systems, project and team development and management, and revamping organizational culture to reflect Asset Based Thinking™ across all work relationships.